Alerts and Reminders

Unmatched Attention to Detail
Last Updated: 10/05/2023
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NDIS Software Alert Overview

The alert settings in CareMaster NDIS software can be customised to cater to the specific needs and characteristics of the business, including HR and compliance requirements. Managers can choose which alerts to adopt from a comprehensive list of predefined alert types tailored explicitly for NDIS businesses. This degree of flexibility and customisation ensures that the CareMaster NDIS software is optimised for operational efficiency across all aspects of the business, including HR, operations, and compliance.

In addition to essential operational activities, the CareMaster alert software also covers crucial HR and compliance activities. This includes monitoring compliance with NDIS requirements and regulations, such as incident reporting and documentation. By providing timely alerts and notifications, the software helps businesses stay on top of these critical HR and compliance activities, minimising the risk of penalties or other negative consequences both internally and externally.

The CareMaster alert software covers essential operational, HR, and compliance activities and is designed to enhance the management of NDIS businesses by preventing oversight of critical time-sensitive requirements. CareMasters adaptability and flexibility ensures that users can customise alerts in the alert display section of the CareMaster NDIS software to meet their specific needs and improve operational efficiencies, saving time and resources associated with managing an NDIS business. Therefore, the alert types below, in addition to many more, may be chosen to appear in the alert display section for use or not. Alerts displayed in the alert section may also be ordered by the business’s priority or determined level of importance.

CareMaster's Alerts and Reminders boost confidence in NDIS management for Participants, Support Workers, and Business.
The CareMaster Software’s Alerts and Reminders feature covers the most important operational
and compliance information directed to its specific audience to avoid oversight of critical requirements
or updates in the support experience.

Alert Setup & Help

The CareMaster NDIS software integrates multiple fields of data to provide a comprehensive end-to-end management solution for NDIS businesses. As part of this solution, training and setup are incorporated into the process of onboarding new businesses. It is important to note that you will receive support throughout this process at every step of the way.

Alert Dashboard

The CareMaster software ecosystem offers CareMaster alerts in a variety of formats and locations. The primary interface for managing alerts is the Alerts Dashboard, which categorises alerts into specific, more manageable groups. These categories can be assigned to designated positions or managers within an NDIS business and encompass all aspects of its operations.

CareMaster clients commonly utilise a variety of alerts, including Participant-specific notifications as well as reminders for meeting key service requirements such as staff accreditations or vehicle registrations. These alerts can be customised to suit specific business needs, with varying lead times for different types of alerts. For instance, a vehicle registration alert may be set 30 days in advance, while an unscheduled service alert may require action within 24 hours. Designed to reduce human error and assist businesses in managing infrequent or overlooked requirements, CareMaster alerts are both systematic and user-friendly.

The Alerts dashboard allows configuration of alerts for various criteria, with each criterion represented as a tab. This intuitive design enables managers and Administrators to efficiently review alerts at a single location and seamlessly switch between different criteria. The objective is to make alert review a regular task in a manager’s daily or weekly schedule, thereby promoting effective management of business requirements.

Alert Strategy of CareMaster

Here are some of the most common alert types and categories:

Participant-Specific Alerts

These alerts are triggered by specific Participant needs, such as medication reminders, appointment schedules, or care plan updates.

Staff Requirements Alerts

These alerts remind managers and Administrators of staff requirements such as staff accreditation renewals, training, and performance reviews.

Compliance Alerts

These alerts notify users of compliance-related issues, such as uncompleted or overdue tasks, or non-compliant service delivery.

Vehicle Alerts

These alerts remind users of vehicle-related requirements such as registration renewals, maintenance schedules, or safety checks.

Financial Alerts

These alerts notify users of financial issues, such as billing discrepancies, overdue invoices, or budget overruns.

Incident Alerts

These alerts notify users of incidents such as accidents or injuries, and help ensure that appropriate action is taken.

Task Alerts

These alerts remind users of tasks that need to be completed, such as service requests or follow-up calls.

By categorising alerts into specific types and criteria, businesses can efficiently manage a wide range of requirements and stay on top of critical tasks.

CareMaster NDIS Management Alerts

Scheduled Funding NDIS Alerts

The alerts in this section are designed to notify business management and Administrators of an impending funding limit on a Participant’s NDIS plan. The alert is displayed as a list that includes the Participant’s name, plan start and end dates, plan limit, and remaining spend. This information is useful for monitoring plan expenditure and planning accordingly. In the scheduling section of the CareMaster NDIS software, if a Coordinator or Administrator schedules a support that exceeds the set limit, an alert will be triggered to ensure that each support is properly funded. The alerts are designed to provide a warning when the remaining spend reaches 10% of the total plan limit and a second alert when the limit is reached or exceeded.

Checked Funding

In the Checked Funding dashboard, if a funding limit is set and has been fully utilised, CareMaster will prevent any further scheduling. This information is presented in a list format for easy management and tracking purposes. Users can access detailed funding information for each Participant by clicking a button at the end of each line item. This feature enables Administrators and managers to review funding details more comprehensively.

Report Date

This section facilitates the management of NDIS reporting requirements for support coordinators and managers, particularly those with large caseloads. Presented in a user-friendly list format, the section employs colour-coding to convey the status of each report and highlight reports requiring attention. Orange highlights signify reports due within the next 30 days, while red indicates overdue reports. The organisation manually enters report dates, which are set according to the business’s reporting schedule, whether half-yearly, quarterly, or monthly. Overall, this section enables streamlined reporting management and helps ensure that all reporting obligations are met in a timely manner.

Plan End Date

This dashboard displays an alert for plans that are within 30 days of their designated end date, provided that both the start and end dates for the plan have been set. The alert appears in the list view for easy recognition and management.


This alert category in the CareMaster software presents a list of participants who are due for review, along with their relevant details. The software displays the status of each Participant, indicating whether they are awaiting review or are current. Additionally, the list includes the contact details and location of each Participant. Each Participant’s name is linked directly to their profile record, allowing for easy access to more detailed information. This feature provides support coordinators and managers with an efficient way to manage review schedules and ensures that Participant reviews are completed in a timely manner.

Expiring Documents

This feature is designed to manage business-related documents, including those related to staff and participants. Examples include training documents, industry accreditations, registrations and medical documents. Alerts are triggered when a document is set to expire within the next 30 days. Once a document has expired, it is removed from service in CareMaster until it is updated to ensure that it is not used on an expired form. The documents are displayed in a list format, which includes the document name, the name of the uploader, the expiry date, and a countdown in days until expiry. Documents can be categorised under headings, such as General Documents or Participant Documents, for easy reference and management. This feature helps ensure that businesses are compliant with document requirements and that critical documents are updated in a timely manner.

Vehicle Expiry

These alerts are intended for businesses that require vehicle management, which is particularly important when a vehicle is in use to ensure compliance with local and state laws. In this section, vehicle forms such as registration and insurance are presented under their own headings in a list format, making navigation and viewing efficient. Vehicle details, including the registration number, registration expiry, and insurance expiry dates, are clearly displayed in the list view. Any vehicle with an expired status will appear in red within the list view.


This pertains to business-owned or leased vehicles. The dashboard presents each vehicle alert as a line item, providing information on their registration details, odometer triggers, and maintenance alert service dates. These specifics can be found in the vertical records section of the CareMaster software, which also includes additional information on the company’s vehicles, such as make and model, last inspection date, location, staff assigned to the vehicle, and relevant documents tagged to the vehicle. Moreover, this section has a separate maintenance history for each vehicle that can be utilised to generate alerts.

Staff/ Volunteers

This section is presented in a clear list view for managers, detailing each staff member’s name and the accreditations they must hold. Expired accreditations are highlighted in red, while those expiring in the next 30 days are marked in orange. Staff members receive an email notification prior to the expiry date, providing ample time for them to renew their accreditation. In addition, for staff members who use a car in the business, vehicle registration and insurance information is included under the list of accreditations. This may encompass a variety of certifications such as first aid, CPR, manual handling, vulnerable persons, driver’s license, bus driver’s authority, and NDIS worker screening check. The staff member’s email is displayed for easy access and contact for follow-up. Moreover, staff members are also reminded of upcoming expirations or expired accreditations within the worker app, allowing them to effortlessly maintain these aspects of their employment.

Business Insurance expiry

This section presents a list-based view of document control and expirations for vital documents related to third-party contractors. An example of the usage for this area is the management of public liability insurance records. Furthermore, NDIS businesses may choose to attach a contract to their contractor within the employment portal and set an expiry, resulting in an alert being generated in this section. This section is utilised by businesses aiming to uphold accurate records and effectively manage their contractors. Moreover, for businesses located in Victoria, a DWES clearance expiry field is accessible, which, once completed, will create an expiry alert.

Worker screening check expiry

As stated on the NDIS Commission website, the NDIS Worker Screening Check is an evaluation of the potential risk that an individual may pose to people with disabilities while working or seeking to work with them. The assessment determines whether the person is eligible or prohibited from working in certain positions with people with disabilities. Registered NDIS Providers must ensure that they engage only workers who have been cleared for specific roles designated as risk-assessed roles. This alert guarantees that the NDIS Worker Screening Check has been conducted, and provides information on when it was last updated, if applicable.

Cancelled Supports

The Cancelled Supports Dashboard Alerts offer several opportunities for a business to enhance its management practices. For instance, participants with three back-to-back cancellations may signify concerns related to the service being provided or availability issues, such as hospitalisation. In certain cases, cancelled work may still be claimable, even if the service was not provided. This increased level of detail available to managers will aid in managing personnel and promoting ongoing efficiencies within the business not to mention the management of healthy cashflow.

Not scheduled

The dashboard alert highlights active participants within the CareMaster NDIS software who currently do not have a future scheduled service. This dashboard is an excellent tool to ensure continuity of care and effective management of participants. The Not Scheduled dashboard, in conjunction with case notes, assists businesses in understanding the current status of their participants in the event of care plan irregularities. The list view of this dashboard includes additional basic information, eliminating the need to review the Participant profile each time. For instance, the dashboard displays the last completed job date. Additionally, this section highlights participants who may have exited the business and require complete inactivity in CareMaster moving forward on their profile.

No Timesheets

This dashboard presents a list view of information regarding workers’ timesheet submissions. The list includes the job date, the service Provider, the type of service performed, the time taken to complete the job, the quantity delivered, the unit cost, and any additional expenses associated with the job. This display provides a summary of how many jobs and which jobs were completed by Support Workers who did not submit timesheets through the Support Worker app. The outcome is a user-friendly dashboard that enables managers to efficiently manage staff across the organisation. When a frontline worker utilises the worker app to commence or finish a support service, the CareMaster software will automatically generate a timesheet for the worker. In cases where workers fail to clock in and out of jobs, the Administrator or manager will need to create a timesheet for them manually, or they will not receive payment until rectified.

Not Checked

This dashboard presents a list view display that highlights various details about jobs within CareMaster requiring attention for invoicing purposes. The list includes the job date, the service recipient, the type of service, the time taken to complete the job, the quantity of service provided, the unit cost, and any additional costs associated with the service provided. The view provides managers with the capability to review unchecked work to ensure that all the required information needed for invoicing is precise and complete. If support work is not checked within the software, it cannot be claimed, billed, or invoiced. This process effectively controls your payments with absolute accuracy and ease so managers can get back to managing!

Appraisal Contract Review

The Appraisal Contract Review and Business Insurance Expiry sections can be found in the same staff record location within the CareMaster NDIS software. The Appraisal Contract Review pertains to workers who are on probation and require internal evaluation by the business to manage their performance. This alert is intended for human resource managers and business owners responsible for the internal onboarding of new staff. The Business Insurance Expiry section highlights when a worker’s business insurance is nearing expiration, providing a reminder to renew the policy

No NDIS Orientation Module Completion Date

Located in the qualification section of a worker’s profile, an alert is triggered if the worker has not finished their NDIS orientation module or if there is no completion date recorded for the module.

Recurring end date

The Recurring Dashboard displays a list of participants whose recurring services are set to expire in the next 30 days. These recurring services can be scheduled up to 36 months in advance, and will end by the end of the 36-month period. This feature is utilised by businesses to manage recurring supports appropriately and ensure that they are renewed if possible, to maintain revenue. If a recurring service is ending, the business is notified of potential revenue loss and can consider alternative services to fill the gap. Essentially, this alert is designed to maintain the regular participants, who are the foundation of an organisation’s daily, weekly, or monthly operations.

For those interested in a more in-depth understanding of CareMaster’s award interpretation, timesheet management, and payroll integration with various NDIS software platforms, CareMaster offers personalised demonstrations focused on the accounting software integration. To arrange a visual demonstration and gain a comprehensive understanding, please reach out to CareMaster for assistance.

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Jack Varkulevicius

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