Why Aged Care Providers Should Be Using Scheduling & Rostering Software

Like other care-related industries, aged care presents unique challenges, especially in the digital age. If you’re an aged care Provider or considering starting a business providing care services, it’s essential to understand the importance of software and apps for administration tasks.

Rostering software can be what makes the difference for a successful aged care Provider. The software is integral for helping Providers save hours of time, money, and resources. It can also help with managing staff and providing quality care.

If you’ve worked in the aged care industry, you probably already know how difficult it is to coordinate care, especially if you’re manually rostering employees. Calling each employee, asking about availability, and dealing with last-minute changes can be challenging. 

It can be especially difficult if the Participant has special requirements or care preferences. This is where aged care rostering software comes in—it can help greatly reduce the stress of planning and scheduling. 

Effective rostering software should be an all-in-one solution that provides scheduling capabilities for both Providers and Support Workers. It allows Providers to easily update, communicate, and schedule shifts. It also keeps detailed records, which is important for remaining compliant and delivering personalised care.

The software can also be useful for workers. For example, it allows them to easily update their availability, accept shifts, access care plans, and find patient details without having to call management.

Studies have shown that rostering software can also lead to better quality care, improved work-life balance for staff, and Participant satisfaction. In this article, we’ll be covering why management software for scheduling is a must-have for any aged care Provider. 

The Impact Effective Scheduling & Rostering Has On Aged Care

Below, we’ve listed the reasons why effective scheduling and rostering are critical for the aged care industry. Not only is it critical for meeting Participants’ needs and providing consistent care, but it’s also important for running a successful business.

  1. Effective rostering software is crucial for operational efficiency. Using an app or program to aid with rostering will cut down hours and resources compared to manually creating schedules.
  2. The use of rostering software can allow for real-time notification of any changes. This includes if someone calls in sick for a shift or if a Participant needs to change the hours of their care. 
  3. For Support Workers, rostering software where it sends out alerts for available shifts is more efficient than having to contact the office or manager every time for shifts. 
  4. Consistency is important in aged care. Digital rostering makes it easier to ensure that the same staff member is taking care of the same Participant, which builds trust and rapport.
  5. Digital rostering and scheduling systems also reduce human error in deciding shifts. This leads to better staff satisfaction and avoids unnecessary overtime to correct errors. 
  6. Using software to assign shifts and post schedules is also better for documentation and record-keeping. Aged care software, like CareMaster, is also completely secure and great for privacy.
  7. Automated rostering can help save money on labour costs. Over or understaffing key areas of a business can cost money.

If you’re looking to optimise your aged-care support business, then investing in scheduling and rostering software is a must. It streamlines the process, making it more convenient for both the organisation and employees, and it is better for recording documentation. 

How Aged Care Scheduling & Rostering Software Streamlines The Process

Aged care scheduling and rostering software can streamline the process through automated scheduling based on staff availability, Participant needs, and service requirements. It significantly reduces the time and effort needed to create schedules and organise shifts.

Most aged care software solutions, such as CareMaster’s software, can send real-time notifications to managers and employees. This includes alerts to staff and Participants for schedule changes and the manager receiving notifications about shift cancellations or adjustments.  

Our aged care software also allows for integrated app support so managers, Support Workers, and Participants can easily communicate with each other. This makes it easier to accommodate for any changes or preferences.

The Support Workers can also set their own availability in the app and choose to accept their own shifts, which makes scheduling easier. As everything is automated, the chances of overlapping shifts or errors in the scheduling are also reduced.

Key Features To Look For In Aged Care Scheduling & Rostering Software

When searching for the right aged care rostering software for scheduling and management, there are a few key features to look out for. Below, we’ve listed the must-have features.

  • Advanced scheduling capabilities are a must. The software should include features to make scheduling easier, such as handling split shifts, shift requests, and recurring appointments.
  • It’s important to be able to make quick adjustments to schedules. You never know when someone might call in sick or need to adjust the hours of a shift, so your scheduling software needs to be just as flexible.
  • Your aged care scheduling software should also have self-service options for staff to input their own availability and communicate with management. 
  • Real-time notifications are vital in a fast-paced industry like aged care. The ideal software solution for scheduling should have options for real-time alerts and notifications for shift changes and availability.
  • Data report and analysis tools and tracking are among the major benefits of using scheduling software. Your chosen software should generate accurate reports on productivity, client outcomes, and costs.


When deciding on which aged care scheduling software is right for you, we also recommend considering the adaptability and scalability. You want the software to be able to grow with your business and clientele. 

We also recommend considering the customer support and training options available for the software. Ideally, you want to select a company that provides a quick response to any issues or bugs with the software.

A user-friendly design is also important. The software should feature an intuitive design that is easy for management and employees to pick up and use. It’s a bonus if the software also allows for customisation for accessibility and preference.

Book A Free Demo To Learn CareMaster’s Aged Care Scheduling & Rostering Software

If you’re sick of rostering and scheduling issues, consider CareMaster’s specialised aged care solution software. We offer various pricing packages to suit all organisations and a free demo so you can see if it suits your purposes.

Along with rostering and schedule management, CareMaster offers a range of other administrative features, including employee management, communication, and record-keeping.

The CareMaster software was designed with care organisations of all sizes and stages of growth in mind. Whether you’re a startup with a few employees or a massive business with hundreds, we offer different packages to suit your needs. 

Our software also includes partner apps to facilitate communication and collaboration among all parties, including Providers, Support Workers, and Participants. 

We also offer in-depth training and support for our software. So, if you need any guidance on using CareMaster or have any concerns, the team would be more than happy to answer any queries you have.